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Rhinolophus luctus beddomei

Rhinolophus luctus beddomei

Rhinolophus luctus beddomei

The adult body weight ranges between 20.0 to 34.0 grams.  This is a large bat with wooly dark fur and complicated rhinanial folds. This species inhabits the clefts or hollows of the wells or lives attached to the walls of wells or to the walls of deep excavations in which the suction motor pumps are installed; they also hang from the shrubs growing on the walls of wells. On no occasions were they found roosting in the open. The specimens remain singly or in pairs but not in large colonies. It seems that they remain in the vicinity of the roost for a short while before finally going out for foraging. These bats evade capture at times by escaping from the well and then descending a nearby well.