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Cynopterus Sphinx Sphinx

Cynopterus Sphinx Sphinx

Cynopterus Sphinx Sphinx

The adult body weight ranges between 42.0 to 58.0 grams. In the adult stage many specimens of both sexes had reddish brown fur on the neck and breast regions. The usual diurnal haunts of this specimen is within the hollows formed by the hanging fronds of palm trees. Occasionally they may be found hanging from the eaves of windows of old houses, under the overhanging extensions of wooden roofs of old houses, among the leaves of arecanut trees, behind electric switch boards and in the hollows in the trunk of trees (coral tree). These haunts are, however, exceptional. In their natural haunts, they occur in groups of six to ten specimens. They emerge from their roosts a little after sunset and feed on plantains, guava, sapota, jack fruits, shoots of ash gourd and different kinds of figs. In the case of seedy fruits they spit out the seeds. They generally avoid fruits which are sour or overripe. On several occasions – especially during March and April – they were noticed to dive into wells or skim over the water of ponds. This evidently to lap a little water since the season is hot and humid. Characteristically they are easily disturbed by human interference. Their choice of roosting inside the drooping frons of palm trees is apparently due to their being anthropophobic. The few occasions where they were found within or just outside human habitations were exceptional and could have been due to disturbance from their natural haunts.